About Brenda
Brenda Nash
I am a Doctor of Philosophy of Clinical Christian Counseling,
A Certified Temperament Counselor,
A Licensed Clinical Christian Counselor,
And a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor
Advanced Certification in:
* Temperament Therapy
* Integrated Marriage & Family Therapy
* Substance Abuse and Addiction Therapy
* Sexual Therapy
* Cognitive Therapy & Ethics
* Crisis & Abuse Therapy
My Story
I became a Christian in 2002 when my life had spun out of control. I battled bipolar depression, anorexia & bulimia, was continually tormented & paralyzed by fear, nearly divorced and sought spiritual solace through tarot cards and New Age beliefs. To escape the pain and brokenness of my life, I partied, drank and smoked marijuana. But nothing was working. Nothing was lasting. My life was completely void of any peace or joy. I felt nothing but hopelessness and despair.... until one night,.... out of utter desperation, I cried out to God, saying, "God, if you are real, I want to know the real God, and please show me how to have peace, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually." He did that and more. That night, God showed up and healed me from all the above. I have peace, I have joy, but more importantly, I love life! It really is a supernatural story that I hope one day you get to hear. God set my feet on this journey where I now empathize with those who suffer. I help bring His love, His truth, and His healing to those who are broken by life's trials.
My Heart's Desire
I have a deep burning passion to see women live a life of health, freedom, growth & development as well as peace, potential & purpose. With my heart of love and compassion, coupled with gifts of counsel, teaching, prophecy & healing restorative prayer, I believe I bring clarity, insight & healing to anyone searching for answers. As a result of my own intimate walk with God and my own personal struggles through life’s tests, trials, and triumph’s, I am able to empathize and guide from a place of authenticity, comfort & hope.
I also have a determination to see marriages thrive. No matter what the situation, there is always hope for any couple in any season of life.
Brenda Nash is an ordained minister. Her licensing and spiritual covering are through the church and through the NCCA (National Christian Counselors Association), providing Christian and pastoral faith-based counseling. It is important to note that she is not a provincially or federally licensed psychologist or psychiatrist or any other licensed mental health practitioner as all counsel is according to biblical beliefs incorporating prayer and other Christian values.